Join ECoENet

Extend your research and social network, improve your interdisciplinary skills, participate in exciting events and become part of the Ecohydraulics community.

You can Join ECoENet as an ECR member or as a mentor member. Although we accept donations to sustain the network (e.g. webpage, workshop materials, etc.), ECoENet’s membership is free of charge

To become an EcoENet member fill this form.

The information collected in this form will displayed on the new ECoEnet website. The orcid will be used to pull: your affiliation, keywords and the country you work in from your public orcid profile. If you agree on being listed on the new ECoEnet website, please fill this form and make sure that affiliation, keywords and country fields are filled and that their visibility is set to public in your orcid personal page. The aim is to provide to the website visitors not involved in the organization an idea of what expertise and scientific profiles are involved while at the same time increasing ECoEnet members visibility through the website visits.
If you need more information on orcid, please visit the orcid website
If you don’t know how to set your orcid fields to public, please visit orcid support page.

If you have further inquires please contact us.